July 29, 2015

Why Cursive?

So, why am I talking about all that cursive stuff that you probably have forgotten half of after primary/elementary school?

Remember the time when those teachers taught us cursive writing, and told us all to go buy and do copybooks? When they told us all that the curvy letters would be mandatory for anyone wishing to pursue higher education? As soon as you hit high school, you realize that the teachers there don't actually care if you use it or not, as long as they can read it. Let that sink in and let's move on....

I'm here to tell you about some of the applications of this long lost art form.

Pretty Note Taking

When you have a notebook in your lap with no satisfactory flat writing surface around (e.g. a picnic, beach, the great outdoors), it's kind of wonky to write with block letters because you need to lift your pen up from your paper once you finish every stroke (on average), causing the letters to come out looking funny. With cursive, well, you only lift your pen after you have finished writing a whole word (dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's aren't too detrimental to overall writing tidiness). And it would still look somewhat neat.

Rough Drafts Like This One

The Rough Draft of this very blog post

Cursive is fun. As you can see, I now use it for most of my drafts. It's a bit all over the place, but whatever, it's a draft.

Concluding Sentence

So yeah, cursive still has it's uses. If you have any suggestions on the uses of cursive in modern day, feel free to, er, tell me about it. In the comments. Right now.

Tags: cursive