

nlclc-stats via custom site generation in Clojure. This is a client-based web app that shows statistics around worship service in our church. This is an experiment in the amount of framework you need to build a website, without just typing everything in HTML. Thus, the entire site can be viewed without any Javascript (though having Javascript would improve functionality).

superdiff in Rust. This is a CLI app that can find similarities in file(s). It is mainly used to check for copy-pasted code. We don't use treesitter here because I wanted it to be language-agnostic. Instead, we use edit distance to determine similarity. Supports multi-threading and is pretty darn fast.

Rocket 2 in Python with mypy type-checking, hosted with auto ci/cd with Inertia and docker-compose. This is a web app that provided HR tools for the UBC Launch Pad engineering club.

Jeopardy in Typescript and vue.js. This is a client-based web app that allows you to play Jeopardy-type games. This game is intended to be used in screen-share software or on some projector.

Graph Visualizer in Javascript.

Tom's Parable in C# with Unity. This is a short Windows-only 3D FPS game where you play the role of a detective. This game was created as a group project for the TWU CS course "Intro to VR".